Ecomodernism, the Breakthrough Institute version

Clive Hamilton, the free-thinking Australian green critic who gave us Requiem for a Species, has just published a finely tuned takedown of the Breakthrough Institute’s so-called “Ecomodernist Manifesto.”  He, or perhaps his editor at the Earth Island Journal, called it The Technofix is In.  It’s a perfectly appropriate, though mild, title.

It’s a must read, and a model of restraint.  I will say that, had I written it, it would contain some examples of the bad news environmentalism that makes it so easy for the Breakthrough Boys to get away with this kind of thing.  But Hamilton’s reframe is excellent, and not to be missed.  It helps clear the way for the, well, “left ecomodernism” we need, the one in which technology is given its proper due, but only its proper due.

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