Tom Athanasiou – Recent Publications

This is not anything like a complete list of my recent writings – many more are available on this website. But this is my most polished, reasonably recent stuff.

Who Pays for Loss and Damage?  Who Pays for the Climate Transition as a Whole? There’s a lot going on these days, and it’s easy to miss the important reports. You should definitely not miss The Loss and Damage Finance Landscape, which was just published by the Loss and Damage Collaboration (LDC) and the US office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. May 24, 2023

The Planet Will Warm Past 1.5°C. What Now? – The only way of ensuring that the overshoot is temporary is to decisively defeat the fossil fuel cartel. This essay was originally published in The Nation, here. April 4, 2023

How to Fund Loss & Damage. As you probably know, the big win at the last climate jamboree (COP27 in Egypt) was the establishment of the Loss & Damage facility. And a big win it was! The question, now, is how we’re going to provision that facility, how we’re going to fund the fund. January 10, 2023

Why you should read The Deluge – one of my rare book reviews. March 6, 2023

Threading the Needle at COP17 – almost nothing, but something real, changed at this year’s climate conference. November 27, 2022

Points of Comparison — Can We Afford a Fair Global Climate Transition? was published in Foreign Policy in Focus on April 19, 2022

Fair Shares: Lessons from Practice, Thoughts on Strategy is a major discussion paper I and my colleagues at the Climate Equity Reference Project wrote for the International Climate Action Network. August 8, 2022

“Equity Working Group” submission to the Global Stocktake is a formal submission to the UN climate negotiations. It was written by the international “Equity Working Group,” which I help to coordinate.

The Upcoming UN Climate Talks in Glasgow Are a Make-or-Break Moment was published in Sierra Magazine on September 30, 2021

The US Fairs Shares NDC was published by the US Fair Shares Collaborative. I was a key member of the writing and research team. April 2021

Equity and fair shares in a net-zero world was published in Yale Climate Connections on July 14, 2021

It’s Time for the US to Carry Its Fair Share on Climate Change was published on December 2, 2020 in Sierra Magazine.

Biden’s Climate Agenda — What’s Missing? was published on May 10, 2021 in Foreign Policy in Focus.

The US Returns to the Paris Agreement Today–With Lots of Work Ahead for the World was published in The Nation on February 10, 2021.

Why “The Planet of the Humans” is Crap, my very widely republished blog on Michael Moore’s absurd “documentary” on renewable energy.  (April 23, 2020). 

My letter to the New Yorker, excoriating Jonathan Franzen for the toxic pessimism of his “What If We Stopped Pretending?”  (September 23, 2019)

Only a Global Green New Deal Can Save the Planet, A nice little essay in The Nation, September 30, 2019.

Global Inequality in the Time of Climate Emergency, A long essay in (June 10, 2019).  The unedited version is here.

After Paris: Inequality, Fair Shares, and the Climate Emergency , A major report, released by a very large number of non-governmental groups at the 2018 climate summit in Poland.  I was a principal author.

1.5 to Stay Alive, Says a Landmark UN Climate Report, a critical review of the last IPCC report, was published in The Nation (October 9, 2018)

A New Book on the Climate Crisis Makes a Persuasive Case That We’re Not Doomed, A review  of “Drawdown,” in The Nation (April 28, 2017).